Spools of 3D printing filament created from recycled waste plastic.

Alkek MakerSpace team makes 3D printing sustainable!

One of the most popular activities in the Alkek One MakerSpace is 3D Printing. Users create 3D objects that are sometimes works of art, sometimes creative gadgets, and sometimes prototypes of new inventions. The 3D technology has opened the door to all kinds of entrepreneurial endeavors. But the downside of this technology is that it …

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Soundboard and Microphone

Students launch new podcast featuring perspectives on the US-Soviet Union Cold War

Podcasting is one of the most popular activities in Alkek One, the Alkek Library’s first floor creative technology hub. Students, faculty, and staff use the two YouStar Audio Studios to create and record their programs covering a variety of topics. The latest of these efforts is a student-led podcast program that will debut on the …

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Top 5 Ways Your LIbraries Contribute to Sustainability

Libraries are sustainable!

With Earth Day being celebrated later this month, University Libraries is proud to be participating in Texas State’s Sustainability Expo on Thursday, Apr. 13 in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. Come visit our table and bring a book to swap! Libraries strive to be eco-friendly and there are many ways that Texas State’s University Libraries …

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