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An Overview of Peer Review
If you are a student, researcher, or instructor, chances are you have heard of peer review. It is not just a vague phrase floating in the ether, instead it is an analytical process that has a considerable influence in shaping scholarly communities. More specifically, peer review is when academic work especially as it pertains to journals, is assessed on quality, integrity, and originality through a rigorous review process. Peer review is not new as it has origins dating back to the 17th century as a formalized process in scientific journals. Fortunately for us, peer review did not stay cloistered in the 17th century sciences. Today, we continue to build on processes of old and ensure best practices for the future in all areas of scholarship.
How does peer review work? one might ask. Most credible and reputable journals have a process that follows the same basic steps. It starts with an author submitting their work, an editor collaborates with reviewers to assess the work, and a decision is made whether it is accepted, needs to be revised, or is rejected. Sounds simple enough, however, different journals have different guidelines. Journals can decide which model of peer review they would like to follow that defines the interaction level between authors and peer reviewers. Some examples are single-blind in which authors are known to the reviewers, but reviewers are not known to the author and; double-blind, where neither the author nor reviewers are known to each other. Each model has its pros and cons and that is something peer reviewers are conscientious of. The process itself is constantly being assessed and has even taken off and become its own global event!
Peer Review Week is an international initiative that celebrates “the essential role that peer review plays in maintaining research quality. It brings together individuals, institutions, and organizations committed to sharing the central message that good peer review, whatever shape or form it might take, is critical to scholarly communications” ( Be on the lookout for activities, webinars, and more blogs about all things peer review!
This article was contributed by Gab Alderete-Cruz, Digital Initiatives Librarian.