Library grant opportunity announced for Open Education Week

Happy Open Education Week! University Libraries non-monetary grant application in support of Open Education is now open.  The openTXST grant is an opportunity for faculty and staff to get support as they transform their projects or courses into experiences based on Open Educational Resources (OER). Applications are currently being accepted through Friday, April 18th.

Consideration will be given to projects or courses that incorporate the following components:

  • Open Pedagogy – Open Pedagogy gives students agency to direct their own learning, and empowers them to engage with the academic, civil, and digital world by sharing what they’ve learned in new and creative ways
  • Alignment with student success initiatives
  • Projects that offer unique opportunities at Texas State

Projects submissions are being accepted at different focus levels.

  • Adoption project focus emphasizes finding Open Resources for your course;
  • Adaptation project focus emphasizes finding and remixing Open Resources; and
  • Creation focus supports you as you make create Open Resources.

More information on the openTXST grant can be found in the FAQ section of our open education web page.

This article was contributed by OER Librarian Isabelle Antes.