Dr. Kelly Damphousse shares stories with Kelly Visnak and others at the Open Educational Resources event.

Open Educational Resources lead to student success!

At a recent campus event, Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) partnered with OpenStax to highlight stories of student success resulting from the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) as seen from the perspectives of faculty, college deans, administrators, and librarians from Texas State and the surrounding areas. This event was one of several initiatives UL …

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Illustration of woman in library doing online research

Library Online Resource Grants help Texas State scholars access important research materials

Texas State students and faculty across a variety of academic areas are benefitting from two key resources purchased in 2022 through University Libraries’ Online Resource Grant funding. Online Resource Grants support the purchase of one-time online resources such as primary source databases, journal backfile collections, e-book collections, and audio or streaming media collections. These resources …

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Web of Science renewed, Scopus access ends Dec. 31

Due to rising costs, Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) is continuously evaluating its subscriptions and seeking to be efficient with its available funding.   As a result, UL is canceling Elsevier’s Scopus database subscription effective December 31, 2022. Scopus is a comprehensive citation database that has significant content overlap with Clarivate’s Web of Science, which …

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Library Wikidata project elevates visibility of Texas State research

Have you ever wondered why something you search for on the web appears as the first or second entry of your query? There are many contributing factors, but the formulation of structured linked data through Wikidata can play a key role in moving a name, place, resource, etc. to the top. With this goal in …

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Library makes Sage Research Methods tools available to Texas State community

Texas State’s University Libraries has acquired a package of research tools from Sage Research Methods (SRM) which provides access to a wealth of materials to help students and faculty learn various research methods. The tools include little green and blue books, a project planner, data sets, reference materials, tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and …

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Coalition of Texas Universities reaches agreement with Elsevier

For over a year, Texas State University has been an active participant in the Texas Library Coalition for United Action (Texas Coalition), a group of 43 academic institutions in Texas seeking to find sustainable solutions to the rising costs of subscriptions to academic journals and to improve relationships between academic institutions and publishers. We are …

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Balloons with icons of OER materials

Library canvas course will get you up to speed on OER

Open Educational Resources (OER) are becoming a hot topic in higher education both as a resource to support textbook affordability practices and as a flexible pedagogical tool to customize and tailor course syllabi. An OER is anything published with an open license that allows it to be shared freely, edited, and reused. While open textbooks …

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Arlene Salazar

Subject specialists and robust collections are among key achievements of education librarian

“Books are sometimes windows, offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange. These windows are also sliding glass doors, and readers have only to walk through in imagination to become part of whatever world has been created and recreated by the author. When lighting conditions are just right, however, a …

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Join the OER Community of Learning and participate in our pilot cohort

Open Educational Resources (OER) are becoming a hot topic in higher education both as a resource to support textbook affordability practices and as a flexible pedagogical tool to customize and tailor course syllabi. An OER is anything published with an open license that allows it to be shared freely, edited, and reused. While open textbooks …

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Texas State scholars may notice journal access changes in 2021

Across the country, research libraries are faced with difficult decisions that will impact their campuses’ access to scholarly research articles found in subscription databases and journals. While many academic library budgets have remained stagnant, publishers have consistently raised their subscription fees 5 to 7 percent each year and larger publishers have priced their subscriptions beyond what is sustainable for universities to maintain. Even large research universities like UC Berkeley and others have had to walk away from subscription access to research …

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