Top 5 Ways Your LIbraries Contribute to Sustainability

Libraries are sustainable!

With Earth Day being celebrated later this month, University Libraries is proud to be participating in Texas State’s Sustainability Expo on Thursday, Apr. 13 in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. Come visit our table and bring a book to swap! Libraries strive to be eco-friendly and there are many ways that Texas State’s University Libraries …

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Open Educational Resources - A set of Workshops With OpenStax sponsored by University Libraries and OpenStax

Library grant opportunity announced at OER faculty event

University Libraries (UL) announced the launch of a non-monetary grant opportunity at its recent Open Educational Resources (OER) faculty event. The openTXST grant is an opportunity for faculty and staff to get support as they transform their projects or courses into experiences based on OER. Applications are currently being accepted through Friday, April 14th. Consideration …

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Open Education Week

Celebrate Open Education Week with University Libraries!

Open Education is a concept that is student-centered and utilizes tools, resources, and practices that are open (free from monetary, legal, and other limitations) for collaboration adaptation and revision thus bridging the gaps of access, equity, and representation. You can learn more about Open Education week via the Open Education Global website. OE Global is …

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Fair Use Week logo

It’s Fair Use Week!

Happy Fair Use Week, Bobcats! This week libraries are celebrating that delicious slice of the U.S. Copyright Act that helps us navigate our freedom of expression while not infringing on the rights of authors. Fair Use is one of your rights but can be a little tricky to understand, so let’s break it down.   What …

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Jose Chavez

Texas State awards its first Unity Technologies Scholar

SAN MARCOS, Texas (December 9, 2022) – Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) is pleased to announce the recipient of its first Unity Technologies Scholar is José Chavez, who earned a Master of Science in computer science in December 2022. The Unity Educator in Immersive Technology program is a part of a co-curricular learning opportunity offered …

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files and documents illustration

Web of Science renewed, Scopus access ends Dec. 31

Due to rising costs, Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) is continuously evaluating its subscriptions and seeking to be efficient with its available funding.   As a result, UL is canceling Elsevier’s Scopus database subscription effective December 31, 2022. Scopus is a comprehensive citation database that has significant content overlap with Clarivate’s Web of Science, which …

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computer illustration

Library Wikidata project elevates visibility of Texas State research

Have you ever wondered why something you search for on the web appears as the first or second entry of your query? There are many contributing factors, but the formulation of structured linked data through Wikidata can play a key role in moving a name, place, resource, etc. to the top. With this goal in …

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Library makes Sage Research Methods tools available to Texas State community

Texas State’s University Libraries has acquired a package of research tools from Sage Research Methods (SRM) which provides access to a wealth of materials to help students and faculty learn various research methods. The tools include little green and blue books, a project planner, data sets, reference materials, tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and …

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We're turning 2! Alkek One Birthday Party

It’s a birthday party in Alkek One! Don’t miss the fun!

Come on down to the first floor of Alkek on Thursday, Sep. 8 between 1 and 4:30 pm and help us celebrate Alkek One’s birthday! We want everyone to celebrate two full years of innovation, collaboration, learning, and fun. There will be music and food! Enjoy pizza and cupcakes while supplies last. We all know …

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Mallory Warrix with artwork

TXST senior adds technology and compassion to the warm hug of a quilt

The 2022 Alkek One Student Gallery installations are now up and ready for visitors to experience. These awesome projects demonstrate how digital technologies and creativity align. Five student projects were selected among the entries to this second year of the competition to have their work installed in the first-floor lobby of the Alkek Library. Library staff partnered …

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