
Browse scholarly journals using BrowZine

What is BrowZine? BrowZine is a robust tool that allows you to browse thousands of scholarly journals available through Texas State University Libraries (UL). All that is needed is a wifi connection. BrowZine offers a combination of innovative design and key integrations that can help to streamline your research process. Additionally, with the ability to …

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Scopus is back!

University Libraries (UL) is pleased to announce the reactivation of the Texas State’s subscription to Scopus. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of high-quality, peer-reviewed literature in scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. It includes added functionality to identify research trends, locate potential research collaborators, and view metrics at the journal, document and …

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First Gen Proud

Can I Be the First Researcher? A Panel on First Generation Experiences in Research

University Libraries is excited to host this event as part of First Gen Week! Has anyone ever told you that to make the most of your time at Texas State University, you need to take part in research? After hearing this, did you feel lost with no one to turn to? If so, this panel …

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Students working in the library

Library research made easy with these online research tutorials

Have you ever been given a research assignment and had no clue where to begin? Enter the Texas State University Libraries of 2023. We have created a powerful resource that walks you through the research process as if you were working alongside a reference librarian. While our librarians are still here to help you via …

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Top 5 Ways Your LIbraries Contribute to Sustainability

Libraries are sustainable!

With Earth Day being celebrated later this month, University Libraries is proud to be participating in Texas State’s Sustainability Expo on Thursday, Apr. 13 in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom. Come visit our table and bring a book to swap! Libraries strive to be eco-friendly and there are many ways that Texas State’s University Libraries …

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Fair Use Week logo

It’s Fair Use Week!

Happy Fair Use Week, Bobcats! This week libraries are celebrating that delicious slice of the U.S. Copyright Act that helps us navigate our freedom of expression while not infringing on the rights of authors. Fair Use is one of your rights but can be a little tricky to understand, so let’s break it down.   What …

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Illustration of woman in library doing online research

Library Online Resource Grants help Texas State scholars access important research materials

Texas State students and faculty across a variety of academic areas are benefitting from two key resources purchased in 2022 through University Libraries’ Online Resource Grant funding. Online Resource Grants support the purchase of one-time online resources such as primary source databases, journal backfile collections, e-book collections, and audio or streaming media collections. These resources …

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files and documents illustration

Web of Science renewed, Scopus access ends Dec. 31

Due to rising costs, Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) is continuously evaluating its subscriptions and seeking to be efficient with its available funding.   As a result, UL is canceling Elsevier’s Scopus database subscription effective December 31, 2022. Scopus is a comprehensive citation database that has significant content overlap with Clarivate’s Web of Science, which …

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Library makes Sage Research Methods tools available to Texas State community

Texas State’s University Libraries has acquired a package of research tools from Sage Research Methods (SRM) which provides access to a wealth of materials to help students and faculty learn various research methods. The tools include little green and blue books, a project planner, data sets, reference materials, tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and …

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library homepage

Library resources and services are everywhere…or anywhere!

You’ve gotten your assignment and you are ready to start your research. Or, you need someone to help you figure out where to look for resources to help you work on an assignment or study for an exam. What do you do? Well, you go to the library, of course. But in today’s world, you …

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