The Carpentries

Become a certified data instructor by The Carpentries

We are excited to announce that Texas State University has become a member of The Carpentries!  The Carpentries is a global community of volunteers who develop and teach interactive, hands-on workshops on computing and data skills, addressing basic training needs that are unmet in most disciplines.  As part of our Carpentries membership, the Research Data Services …

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People attending a presentation.

University Libraries offers presentation options on Open Educational topics

University Libraries is excited to offer an exclusive presentation series focused on Open Scholarship! Choose one or more of the most applicable presentations for your faculty or department. Open scholarship promotes knowledge equity, increases the readership of your work, and promotes research impact across the globe. University Libraries has a variety of experts that can partner …

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ID ORCID Connecting Research and Researchers

Upcoming Webinar: ORCID Workshop for Researchers

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) is a unique, persistent identifier that connects researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovative activities. The Texas State is an ORCID institutional member. University Libraries maintains the membership and ITAC provides integration support to import ORCID publication records …

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International Open Access Week, October 23-29, 2023 #OAWeek

University Libraries celebrates open access week with informative workshops

This week at the library we will be celebrating International Open Access Week by thinking about the theme Community Over Commercialization. But first, the basics! What is Open Access? Open access is an international movement that defines a set of principles and practices to promote the free access and distribution of academic resources. Have you …

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Open Educational Resources illustration

New open resource tool features help users engage with content

Open Resource Interface Update  When I started as the Open Educational Resource (OER) Librarian over a year ago, I quickly found myself with more browser tabs open than I care to admit. Facilitating requests for Open Educational Resources felt a bit like a treasure hunt, one much like a National Treasure move where you uncover …

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Peer Review Week Sept. 25-29, 2023 Illustration

Peer Review is a form of Open Pedagogy

Did you know that having students conduct formal peer reviews of each other’s work is actually a form of Open Pedagogy?  Open Pedagogy is: Active learning in which students demonstrate understanding through the act of creation. Technologies that are leveraged to fashion creative work for an external audience. The production of new informational or educational …

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Laptop illustration with library shelves in the background

Library instruction evolving to meet the needs of digital learners

It wasn’t long ago that beginning a literature review required a physical visit to the library and flipping through the pages of The Reader’s Guide to Periodical Literature. The most efficient search engine of the day was present in human form—reference librarians who staffed busy service desks and led bibliographic instruction sessions for visiting classes.    …

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Xuan Zhou

Data curation specialist helps researchers navigate the research data management maze

“I love numbers!” From the time she first discovered Research Data Management as a new and developing field, Xuan Zhou realized that this occupation was the right fit for her. Thus began the journey that led her to Texas State University as the first Research Data Curation Specialist for University Libraries (UL) where she provides …

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Open Education Week

Celebrate Open Education Week with University Libraries!

Open Education is a concept that is student-centered and utilizes tools, resources, and practices that are open (free from monetary, legal, and other limitations) for collaboration adaptation and revision thus bridging the gaps of access, equity, and representation. You can learn more about Open Education week via the Open Education Global website. OE Global is …

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Fair Use Week logo

It’s Fair Use Week!

Happy Fair Use Week, Bobcats! This week libraries are celebrating that delicious slice of the U.S. Copyright Act that helps us navigate our freedom of expression while not infringing on the rights of authors. Fair Use is one of your rights but can be a little tricky to understand, so let’s break it down.   What …

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