Send&Print printer image showing logo

Printing is easy at Texas State!

Hey Bobcats! We’ve made it easier than ever to print the documents you create or need for your classes and to manage your printing account. You simply Send&Print! Here are questions & answers to tell you how it works: Do I have to pay for my printed pages? Students begin each semester with a $25 …

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Research illustration

Now is the time to embrace undergraduate research opportunities

Last week’s solar eclipse was a lesson in celestial alignment as the earth, moon, and sun were in perfect alignment in our region for just a few fabulous moments. We are happy to let you know that the cosmos is aligning for you in the research world as well. This week, April 15th – 19th …

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Browse scholarly journals using BrowZine

What is BrowZine? BrowZine is a robust tool that allows you to browse thousands of scholarly journals available through Texas State University Libraries (UL). All that is needed is a wifi connection. BrowZine offers a combination of innovative design and key integrations that can help to streamline your research process. Additionally, with the ability to …

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Someone working on laptop

Upgrades to Texas State Institutional Repository provide new features

The Texas State University Libraries are excited to announce a significant upgrade to our institutional repository, the Research and Scholarship Repository. Our repository utilizes DSpace, one of the most widely used open-source repository platforms. The recent migration from DSpace version 6 to DSpace version 7 represents a notable enhancement with several key improvements. DSpace 7 …

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Open Educational Resources illustration

New open resource tool features help users engage with content

Open Resource Interface Update  When I started as the Open Educational Resource (OER) Librarian over a year ago, I quickly found myself with more browser tabs open than I care to admit. Facilitating requests for Open Educational Resources felt a bit like a treasure hunt, one much like a National Treasure move where you uncover …

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Illustration of woman in library doing online research

Library Online Resource Grants help Texas State scholars access important research materials

Texas State students and faculty across a variety of academic areas are benefitting from two key resources purchased in 2022 through University Libraries’ Online Resource Grant funding. Online Resource Grants support the purchase of one-time online resources such as primary source databases, journal backfile collections, e-book collections, and audio or streaming media collections. These resources …

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Web of Science renewed, Scopus access ends Dec. 31

Due to rising costs, Texas State’s University Libraries (UL) is continuously evaluating its subscriptions and seeking to be efficient with its available funding.   As a result, UL is canceling Elsevier’s Scopus database subscription effective December 31, 2022. Scopus is a comprehensive citation database that has significant content overlap with Clarivate’s Web of Science, which …

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Library makes Sage Research Methods tools available to Texas State community

Texas State’s University Libraries has acquired a package of research tools from Sage Research Methods (SRM) which provides access to a wealth of materials to help students and faculty learn various research methods. The tools include little green and blue books, a project planner, data sets, reference materials, tutorials, case study videos, expert interviews, and …

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book with headphones

New audio book collection now available through TXST Library!

University Libraries is excited to announce its fantastic new collection of audiobooks now available to Texas State library patrons. The collection is easy to use and access through OverDrive’s newest online mobile application called Libby. This Texas State is a pilot for e-book audio resources and currently includes 140 titles including current best-sellers and classics. …

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