Hithia Davis

Hithia Davis can help you put a professional polish on your work

Sometimes the work we do needs a little boost to help it shine. We need someone to refurbish it to give it a more artistic and professional polish. That’s where the Alkek Print Shop and its manager Hithia Davis come in. The Alkek Print Shop is a specialty print service located on the first floor of …

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The puzzlemaster can help you find library resources, even if they are not in our libraries’ collections

What do you do when the perfect book, article or other resource that you need for your research is not available at a Texas State University library? You make an InterLibrary Loan request. Most often the item you need can be found at another library somewhere in the country or even beyond and can be …

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Devon Birdsong

This Birdsong is more than just another smooth-throated voice

Patrons who spend time in the Alkek Library may recognize his voice, even if they don’t recognize Devon Birdsong’s face. Since the pandemic began, Birdsong is often the one asking patrons to do their part by following COVID-19 safety measures over the library’s public address system. Birdsong is the head assistant at the Checkout desk …

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Jason Crouch in a Rolling Stones t-shirt

Outstanding service is what you get from “the t-shirt guy”

You might say he is the face of the Alkek Library. Many students recognize him as the guy from the new student orientation video or the one they often see behind the Ask Alkek desk, but there are many layers to Jason Crouch that go beyond the friendly face and DJ voice. Crouch is a …

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Arlene Salazar, Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award Recipient

Arlene Salazar named 2020 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award recipient

Congratulations to Arlene Salazar, one of our amazing Research, Instruction, and Outreach Librarians, for being chosen as the staff recipient of the 2020 Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion Award. This award was established to honor Texas State University community members for exceptional commitment to diversity and inclusion. These awards recognize and reward faculty and staff …

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Jess Williams

Alkek Library welcomes new head of Information and Undergraduate Services

Hi! I’m Jess Williams (she/her/hers), the new Head of Information & Undergraduate Services. Before coming to Alkek, I was the Library & Learning Commons Director at Texas Tech University — Costa Rica. I’m thrilled to be at Texas State, where I can still practice my Spanish and I have the privilege of working with the incredible team of library staff who you see every day …

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