
Browse scholarly journals using BrowZine

What is BrowZine? BrowZine is a robust tool that allows you to browse thousands of scholarly journals available through Texas State University Libraries (UL). All that is needed is a wifi connection. BrowZine offers a combination of innovative design and key integrations that can help to streamline your research process. Additionally, with the ability to …

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Scopus is back!

University Libraries (UL) is pleased to announce the reactivation of the Texas State’s subscription to Scopus. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of high-quality, peer-reviewed literature in scientific journals, books, and conference proceedings. It includes added functionality to identify research trends, locate potential research collaborators, and view metrics at the journal, document and …

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book with headphones

New audio book collection now available through TXST Library!

University Libraries is excited to announce its fantastic new collection of audiobooks now available to Texas State library patrons. The collection is easy to use and access through OverDrive’s newest online mobile application called Libby. This Texas State is a pilot for e-book audio resources and currently includes 140 titles including current best-sellers and classics. …

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